The Fang
By Scott Alexander Williams
Chronicles of the Sky Runners
The vampire group call the Fang are seeking the destruction the their worst enemy, the Vatican. To accomplish this, they have acquired a low yield nuclear bomb. Upon hearing about the danger that was before them, the Vatican sent in their best troops lead by Rebecca Van Stocks (their current and one of their best warriors in the fight against evil) to stop the Fang before they unleash their rain of terror. Unknown to the Vatican, the Fang had changed leadership and with it, their tactics in battle. Creating a special trained group of soldiers that they called the Elite Guard.
With little to no knowledge of the new way the Fang conducts warfare, the Vatican launches an attack on their base in Crete. With the new tactics and the Elite Guard, Rebecca’s forces are overwhelmed, and she loses 90% of her men including Mike, her second in command.